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Healthcare-specific Video Visits Now Available in Your Application. Introducing Bluestream Health’s API Platform.

Jun 16, 2020 3:10:55 AM / by Brian Yarnell

Time to Add Virtual Care to your Platform

COVID-19 is not going away, and with consumer acceptance of telehealth at an all-time high and growing reimbursements for virtual care, it’s never been more important to embed secure video in your technology stack. You owe it to yourself, your business partners, and your patients to add the power of video to your existing solution.

Turn your Existing Application into a World-class Telehealth Platform in Two Weeks

Yes, we’re serious. You can directly embed Bluestream’s entire platform within your own in less than two weeks with zero implementation cost. Our RESTful API is secure, comprehensive and well-documented.

I know you enjoy IT projects that never end, but before you embark on the Healthtech version of Shackleton’s voyage trying to turn a cookie-cutter WebRTC platform like Tokbox or Twilio into a healthcare-specific solution, take a look at Bluestream Health. We deliver millions of minutes of healthcare consults every month, we have patented workflow tools, secure reporting and fully integrated interpreting in virtually every language.

“See all that stuff in there, Homer? That’s why your robot never worked.”
-Marge Simpson, October 2, 1994

To borrow from The Simpsons, Bluestream has “all that stuff in there” that you need to make a telehealth or virtual care platform work. There is a lot more to implementing healthcare-specific delivery of secure video than establishing a video connection.

Bluestream has best-in-class workflows, security, transactional reporting, and other key elements built in, so you can focus on your core competencies instead of reinventing the wheel. We also have pre-built user interfaces you can white-label and directly integrate into your technology stack.

Getting Started

Take a look at our API documentation here, then reach out to one of our team members to hit the ground running. We would be happy to whiteboard out a fully integrated solution with you and your team that will have you delivering virtual care inside your own platform in weeks instead of months.

Tags: Blog

Brian Yarnell

Written by Brian Yarnell